Parent Information


The eldest student in the family is given a newsletter to take home every second Thursday to keep families up to date with what’s coming up as well as what we have been doing at school over the previous weeks. We also include information about our school, students and programs in the monthly Whorouly Community newsletter.

The newsletter can be emailed to you if you prefer.

We like to include photos in our newsletters so parents will be asked to sign a consent form if you are happy to have your child’s photo included.

Consent Forms

Permission & Medical Forms

Permission and medical forms for excursions and camps are usually sent out on newsletter day. These must be completed for students to attend excursions and camps. We aim to give you plenty of warning if there is a cost involved in any excursion. 

Permission & Medical Forms

Reports & Parent-Teacher Interviews

In March we hold Parent-Teacher interviews to present and discuss your child’s Individual Learning Plan and to give parents and teachers the opportunity to address any concerns that may have arisen at the start of the year.

We send home a written report at the end of Terms 2 and 4 with detailed information about your child’s progress and where they fit in relation to the Victorian Curriculum standards. At this time we also offer parents the opportunity to have an interview with your child’s teacher to discuss your child’s updated individual learning plan and the report.

Teachers and parents are encouraged to discuss your child’s progress throughout the year so you are always welcome to discuss any concerns you may have.

Sign In/Sign Out

Students who arrive at school late are required to be signed in at the office by the parent/carer. If you need to pick up your child early the student needs to be signed out.


For the safety of your child it is a requirement of the Education Department that parents notify the school by 10:00am the reason for your child’s absence.

Please ring the school or text the school mobile by this time. We are required to contact you if you have not let us know why your child is away.

We use UeducateUs as a communication tool for recording attendance and absences, reminders and individual student reports.

Students with gastroenteritis are not allowed to return to school until at least 24 hours after symptoms finish. Students with COVID-19 symptoms must also stay home.


If your child requires medication at school please provide written instructions with the medication.  

This medication must be handed to a teacher. We are required to record the details of any medication we administer at school.

Asthma & Anaphylaxis Plans

Students with asthma or anaphylactic reactions must have documented action plans.

Our staff have Level 2 First Aid training and annually update their asthma, anaphylaxis and CPR qualifications.

See our policies

Year 6 to 7 Transition Information

Information for parents/carers on moving from primary school to secondary school can be found at 'Moving from primary to secondary school: information for parents'.

While parents/carers can access the Information Pack and Application Form on the Department’s website, our school will also make every effort to provide families of Year 6 students a copy of the Year 7 Placement Information Pack and Application form.

Below is the link to search for your local government school or specialist school. This is the official and most up to date school zones map.


Whorouly Primary School welcomes new enrolments from Foundation to Year Six. Your child is welcome to start with us at any time of the year and there will always be a place for your child here at Whorouly PS.

We value and respect each child as an important member of our school.

For a personalised tour of the school with our Principal or students, please contact us.

Pauline McPherson (Principal)
Deb Evans (Admin Support)

03 57 271 363 

Home Learning

Department Websites

DET provides online resources and also work with vendors to provide online content.

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Website by WWW.ART Design Services