Health and Wellbeing

At Whorouly Primary School, we are committed to ensuring the physical and emotional health, wellbeing and resilience of each of our students.

In promoting mental health and wellbeing at Whorouly Primary School we support students to develop:

Our teaching staff prioritise building positive relationships with students and then explicitly teaching a range of strategies that promote respect and foster social inclusion and belonging.

There is an increasing prevalence of anxiety, depression and mental health issues in young people. While we acknowledge that statistically these issues occur in teenage years, the experiences associated with recent bushfires, the COVID-19 Pandemic and social media/gaming use has made it vitally important that we do everything we can to support students in their early years.

Through the National Chaplaincy Program, Graham our chaplain, provides significant wellbeing support across our school community, both inside and outside of the classroom.

We know through student, parent and staff surveys that our students are happy, connected to their school and feel safe and secure. We continually strive to maintain positive relationships and whole school connectedness.

Active at School

My Future Academy is passionate about addressing the alarming trends of sedentary living in children across Australia. The Active at School Program stems from this passion, as well as our research which shows that kids who move more throughout the school day improve in key critical areas of development.

Face-to-face Delivery in your School

We believe in thinking differently so we approach physical activity in a way that goes beyond traditional sport and education models. We care less about competition, and more about positive participation that develops the skills, motivation and behaviours required for adopting and maintaining active living habits.

Each session includes movement challenges, games, and opportunities for reflection which promotes mindfulness and connection. All with the common goal to improve the social, emotional and physical wellbeing of Australian Children.

Building Respectful Relationships

We explicitly teach our values and respectful relationships in all classes. Students develop the knowledge, understanding and skills to strengthen their sense of self, and build and manage safe and respectful relationships. Students learn to recognise and regulate emotions, develop empathy for others and establish and build a framework for positive relationships.

We use evidence-based mental health strategies to build resilience and happiness such as mindful breathing and practicing gratitude.

Madeline Foundation’s Better Buddies Program

We are part of the Alannah and Madeline Foundation’s Better Buddies Program ensuring our Grade 6 students each support a Foundation student in their first year at school.

eSmart Digital Licence

Our students also complete the eSmart Digital Licence modules each year to develop their ability to keep safe online.

We know through student, parent and staff surveys that our students are happy, connected to their school and feel safe and secure. We continually strive to maintain positive relationships and whole school connectedness.

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